Thursday, May 20, 2010


Well, I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather we have been having. I got my surgery scheduled as soon as I get back from the retreat in Vancouver. I'm pretty happy about being able to still go. A little nervous about having to go through another surgery but my surgeon is the best so that puts my mind at ease a little. Unfortunately, this is going to be an open surgery as they can't do it endoscopically (through a small incision with a camera) as we were hoping. The nodule is too small for him to get at this way - which is a good thing. I'm anxious to have this thing out and find out if it's cancer or NOT.

We have had to stop the treatments I was on to prepare my body for surgery. This is very disappointing and very difficult for me. I want to be doing everything I can to fight this thing. Hopefully I will be able to restart the treatments after I've recovered. I can just be thankful that I am able to have surgery to remove this.

I am really looking forward to the summer at home with the kids. They are so anxious for school to be out. It will be so nice to have all this time to spend with them. Hope everyone takes the time to enjoy this beautiful sunshine but make sure you cover up!

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